FixHR Agreements



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FixHR Agreements

If you are establishing your own business and it’s time to hire your first employee, you may not feel confident in utilising free employment agreements that are available to anyone. They may seem to you to be very employee-centric, and while we are pleased to give our staff all they are entitled to, how does an employer know exactly what their obligations are, and what’s negotiable?

FixHR provides one-off employment agreements for a specific role or staff member, and two accompanying policies or schedules.

We supply you with the following protection:

Lawful and compliant agreement ready to provide to your prospective staff member

Tailored and specific employment policies to accompany your agreement

Consultation full of tips and tricks for the new employer

Additional policies, schedules and letters as required

How we work with you.

Step 1—Supply

We collect together your logo and any current or historical employment agreements or supporting documents that may be relevant.

Step 2—Consultation

Either by phone or Teams meeting we get a good grip on the role you are looking for an agreement for. This meeting takes up to an hour.

Step 3—Document drafting

We provide one individual employment agreement and two supporting policies or schedules. More policies are available as required.

Step 4—Delivery and payment

We aim to have the documents delivered to your inbox the next day. On delivery you are invoiced $695+GST plus any additional policies at $95 each.

FixHR’s Straight-Forward Approach

Our straight-forward consultative approach to HR leaves no doubt about how we engage with you and the results you can expect. Our processes are all designed to take the mystery out of great HR, and help you achieve the benefits of good HR practices.

HR Company Auckland

An Initial Consultation

We can only be effective if we have knowledge of your business and the issues that you are facing.

HR Company North Shore

We draft your Document Suite

Here we create detailed and legally sound documents that are tailored to your specific needs.

HR Company New Zealand

A well implemented System

We implement our plan to perfection. We are most effective when we become a little part of your team.

What our clients say

Our team’s professionalism and dedication is rewarded time and time again by what our clients say about us. Every one of us strives to excel at each opportunity and the results show.