FixHR Classic



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FixHR Classic

A tailored HR service that has all the components a typical business requires to manage their staff.

FixHR Classic takes employers through the complete staff journey from effective hiring through practical staff management to a lawful, and ideally trouble-free, exit.

Ongoing support is available during business hours by phone, email or face to face. The FixHR Classic service is designed to re- position business owners and help them take back the reins of their HR obligations.

We know that you will see the benefits flow through your business.

Crucial, ongoing support so you can get on with doing what only you can do for your business.

HR Support as you:

Tailored and up to date employment agreements

Specific and helpful policies

Timesaving letters for your records

Forms and tools to help follow best practice

How we work with you.

Step 1— First huddle

Information gathering so we understand as much as possible about your business and the HR challenges and opportunities you have. We collect information before we meet so our time together is focused on the gnarly and interesting details.

Step 2— Document drafting

We research and write employment policies that suit our clients, and draft master copies of employment agreements that form the bundle of resources to take your business forward. We also prepare a collection of letters and forms and tools to help you follow best practice and keep effective records.

Step 3—Masterclass

This is time dedicated to introduce you to the documents we have drafted, and ensure you understand why we have prepared things the way we have. There is plenty of time to ask questions and get familiar with your new suite of documents. We plot an implementation time-line together so we can all be confident the new material will not end up stuck on a shelf instead of being applied to make your business better.

Step 4—Ongoing, long-term support

Call our support line or have us come to visit. We help with specific concerns, growth, change and obligations. It’s a relief to know you are not alone! (10 or 15 hours per annum)

FixHR’s Straight-Forward Approach

Our straight-forward consultative approach to HR leaves no doubt about how we engage with you and the results you can expect. Our processes are all designed to take the mystery out of great HR, and help you achieve the benefits of good HR practices.

HR Company Auckland

An Initial Consultation

We can only be effective if we have knowledge of your business and the issues that you are facing.

HR Company North Shore

We draft your Document Suite

Here we create detailed and legally sound documents that are tailored to your specific needs.

HR Company New Zealand

A well implemented System

We implement our plan to perfection. We are most effective when we become a little part of your team.

What our clients say

Our team’s professionalism and dedication is rewarded time and time again by what our clients say about us. Every one of us strives to excel at each opportunity and the results show.