FixHR Consultancy



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FixHR Consultancy

There are times when despite our best efforts as employers, things do not go as we would have liked or expected.

In moments like these, it’s good to know an expert is only a phone call away.

Exclusively for employers, this service is charged out on an hourly basis and available to those who are not part of the FixHR Whanau. (FixHR Classic and Blueprint clients have consultancy included in their package with us.)

Our HR specialists can help if you find yourself in any of the following situations:

Facing a claim or the threat of a claim

Needing support with a performance management process to improve outcomes for a staff member

Engaging with a disciplinary process

Required to exit a staff member from the business for a wide variety of reasons

How we work with you.

Step 1—Scoping

An initial phone call or email sets the scope of the issue at hand, and we decide if FixHR is best suited to support your case. If the situation is beyond our domain, we have strong working relationship with the Employment Law team in a reputable law firm, and we can refer to them for quick and effective support.

Step 2—Consulting

We arrange time with an HR Specialist to understand the issues involved and help you plot out at least one plan of action.

Step 3—Resourcing

We supply the required documentation to follow up on the issue – letters, draft text messages, fact sheets, records of settlement etc

Step 4—Ongoing support

Issues usually take a few days to settle. We remain available to take your call and offer reassurance and encouragement or respond to further developments as the situation requires. Please note that consultation time, resourcing and ongoing support is charged out on an hourly basis.

FixHR’s Straight-Forward Approach

Our straight-forward consultative approach to HR leaves no doubt about how we engage with you and the results you can expect. Our processes are all designed to take the mystery out of great HR, and help you achieve the benefits of good HR practices.

HR Company Auckland

An Initial Consultation

We can only be effective if we have knowledge of your business and the issues that you are facing.

HR Company North Shore

We draft your Document Suite

Here we create detailed and legally sound documents that are tailored to your specific needs.

HR Company New Zealand

A well implemented System

We implement our plan to perfection. We are most effective when we become a little part of your team.

What our clients say

Our team’s professionalism and dedication is rewarded time and time again by what our clients say about us. Every one of us strives to excel at each opportunity and the results show.