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No Jab No Job
Employment relations, Featured
No Jab, No Job
No Jab, No Job “No jab, no job” is the new catchphrase. Considering whether to require employees to be vaccinated is a topical and difficult subject. Max Whitehead is known…
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Restraints Of Trade
Employment relations, Featured
Redundancies in the Age of COVID
Redundancies in a COVID age Redundancies in COVID seem inevitable for many businesses, As we continue to deal with serious COVID restrictions, many small business owners will be near the…
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Unwanted Resignations
Employment relations, Featured
Avoiding the Pain of Unwanted Resignations
Employees ready to resign Unwanted employee resignations can be a real pain point for businesses. Employment Hero recently surveyed 1000 New Zealanders and found over half were considering a job…
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Changing Employee Pay
Employment relations, Featured
Changing Employee Pay
Changing Employee Pay Changing employee pay is rarely a problem when pay rates increase but sometimes employers need to make other changes. Recently Bruce Atchison bravely put his hand up…
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One Work Visa employer considerations
Employment relations, Featured
The Lowdown : One Work Visa from 01/11/2021
One Work Visa from 01/11/2021 On 1 November 2021, the Accredited Employer Work Visa (AEWV) will be introduced, streamlining 6 existing temporary work visas into one work visa. The process…
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Employee Leave Overseas
Employment relations, Featured
Employee Leave for Overseas Travel
Employee Leave for Overseas Travel In the current COVID environment, approving employee leave for overseas travel requires some extra considerations. Our travel bubbles have been long awaited and signal an…
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Changes Employee Entitlements
Employment relations, Featured
Upcoming Changes to Employee Entitlements
Employment Legislation Change There are some big law changes to employee entitlements on the horizon so check out a summary below to ensure you are in the know. A New…
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Contractor Or Employee
Employment relations, Featured
Contractor or Employee?
Employee or Contractor? Is the difference between an employee and a contractor not just splitting hairs? “If my guys choose to be contractors, what does it matter to me? Why…
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