If you don’t know where you’re going, how do you get there?

In New Zealand, small businesses are the backbone of our economy, so it makes sense to plan for the future to ensure your business thrives. This is why you need an exit plan. While it might seem counterintuitive, an exit plan is crucial even if you intend to hold onto your business. Planning for the future ensures your business remains resilient, valuable, and prepared for any unforeseen changes.

Enhancing business value and performance

An exit plan involves evaluating your business’s current value and identifying areas for improvement. By focusing on these improvements, you enhance overall performance and profitability. Regularly updating your business valuation helps you understand its strengths and weaknesses, guiding strategic decisions that bolster long-term success.

Ensuring continuity and stability

Unexpected events, such as illness or economic downturns, can disrupt your business. An exit plan includes contingency measures to ensure the continuity of operations during such events. A clear succession plan and trained potential leaders ensure your business runs smoothly, maintaining stability for employees, clients, and stakeholders.

Attracting and retaining talent

A well-defined exit plan shows employees that the business has a clear future, which can attract and retain top talent. When employees see a succession plan in place, they feel secure about their career prospects within the company. This security enhances loyalty and engagement, driving better performance and innovation.

Financial preparedness

An exit plan involves thorough financial planning, beneficial even if you’re not planning to leave. Working with financial advisors helps you optimise your tax strategy, improve cash flow management, and ensure the business is financially robust. This preparation helps you handle unexpected expenses or investments, maintaining financial health and resilience.

Flexibility and adaptability

While you might not plan to leave now, circumstances can change. An exit plan provides flexibility, allowing you to adapt quickly to new opportunities or challenges. Whether it’s a sudden lucrative offer, a shift in personal priorities, or an unexpected life event, having a plan in place means you’re ready to make informed decisions without pressure.


An exit plan is not just for those looking to sell or retire; it’s a strategic tool for any business owner committed to long-term success. It enhances business value, ensures continuity, attracts talent, ensures financial preparedness, and provides flexibility. By developing and maintaining an exit plan, you safeguard your business’s future, ensuring it remains strong, resilient, and ready for whatever lies ahead.

We can help

At FixHR, we understand the unique challenges faced by small business owners. Our tailored HR solutions are designed to help you implement these strategies effectively, ensuring your business thrives. Lead your business with confidence – let us help you get there.

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