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Employment relations, Recruitment
Why Background Checks Matter
In service-based businesses, a warm smile and a helping hand go a long way. Your team members enter clients’ homes and workplaces, building relationships based on safety and trust. But what…
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Employment relations, Recruitment
Important change to 90 day trial
Just before Christmas, the government passed legislation reintroducing 90-day trials for all employers, regardless of how many people they employ. Up until now, employers have only been able to use…
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Recruitment, Training & development
Now is the time to take on an apprentice
Taking on an apprentice can be a strategic move, especially with the current circumstances in New Zealand. As high school students prepare to finish their exams, there’s a fresh pool…
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how to set your HR up to sell your business
Leadership, Recruitment, Remuneration, Training & development
Retaining Good Staff
Is it all about the money or are there other options for retaining good staff? In this current season of very low unemployment in NZ, the job market has become…
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Writing a Job good Description
Employment relations, Recruitment
Writing Useful Job Descriptions
NZ employment law requires that all employees must have a description to accompany their employment agreement. Many employers don’t realise this. Others write aspirational job descriptions as they embark on…
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Recruitment In 2022
Recruitment in 2022
Recruitment in 2022 Recruitment has changed! If you are currently recruiting, you have probably already found that the market is challenging. ​ The pandemic has driven changes in technologies, new…
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The Great Resignation - preventing staff from leaving
Employment relations, Organisational structure, Recruitment
The Great Resignation – Is Your Business Prepared?
The Great Resignation We are warned that in 2022, New Zealand will experience ‘The Great Resignation’. While we all know the frustration of hoping someone will resign who won’t, that’s…
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Onboard Like as Boss
Employment relations, Recruitment
Onboard like a Boss
Your onboarding process is a key opportunity for you to win the hearts and minds of your new employees. It might feel like your hard work is all behind you…
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Dealing with difficult employees
HR Compliance, Leadership, Recruitment
Bouncing Back from a Terrible Hire
Most people who are ambitious and goal orientated probably have a touch of narcissism, but it’s the degree of craziness business owners need to be aware of before they recruit…
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